
BIOL1111 : Anatomy & Physiology I VLab

In this virtual lab, the student will learn through virtual experiments the organization of the body and the anatomy/physiology of the cells, tissues and membranes, and various body systems as correlated to the BIOL1310 Anatomy & Physiology I course content.

Credit Hours


BIOL1121 : Anatomy & Physiology II VLab

In this virtual lab, the student will learn through virtual experiments various body systems as correlated to the BIOL1320 Anatomy & Physiology II course content.

Credit Hours


BIOL1130 : Microbiology VLab

In this virtual lab, the student will learn through hands-on experiments the structure and function of microorganisms, methods of microbial control. In addition, the specific bacterial, fungal, protozoan, viral agents of human disease will be experimented and viewed.

Credit Hours


BIOL1131 : Anatomy & Physiology VLab

In this virtual lab, the student will learn through hands-on experiments the organization of the body and the anatomy/physiology of the cells, tissues and membranes, and various body systems: Integumentary, muscular, skeletal, nervous, sensory, circulatory, cardiovascular, lymphatic, immunity, digestive, urinary, and reproductive.

Credit Hours


BIOL1310 : Anatomy & Physiology I

The organization of the body and the anatomy and physiology of the cells, tissues and membranes, and various body systems: integumentary, muscular, skeletal, nervous, sensory, and endocrine. The major organs of studied systems and how they relate to the overall status of the body are discussed.

Credit Hours


BIOL1320 : Anatomy & Physiology II

The second of two courses covers the organization of the body and the anatomy and physiology of various body systems: circulatory, cardiovascular, lymphatic, immune, digestive, respiratory, urinary, and reproductive. The major organs of systems and how they relate to overall status of the body are discussed.

Credit Hours


BIOL1330 : Microbiology

Students learn a branch of biology dealing with microscopic forms of life. They learn how microorganisms on humans can be both beneficial and harmful. Students gain insight on different viruses and how they affect humans, the environment, and the future of genetics.

Credit Hours


BIOL1350 : Cardiopulmonary Anatomy & Physiology

This course is focused on cardiopulmonary anatomy and physiology and its impact on the body.  Students study anatomic, physiologic and pharmacologic concepts of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and will develop a systematic understanding of the position, function and interplay of structures within the respiratory, cardiovascular and renal systems.  

Credit Hours


BIOL1405 : Anatomy & Physiology

This course covers the organization of the body and the anatomy and physiology of the cells, tissues, and membranes; respiratory system; integumentary system; skeletal system; muscular system; nervous system; sensory systems; digestive system; circulatory system; lymphatic system; reproductive system; urinary system; and endocrine system. The major organs of each system and how they relate to the overall status of the body are discussed.

Credit Hours




BIOL2110 : General Biology VLab

In this virtual lab, the student will learn through hands-on experiments involving the structure and function of cells, cellular regulations, and animal physiology.

Credit Hours


BIOL2310 : General Biology

Introduces students to the study of life as it pertains to natural science, hypothesis testing, and general concepts of biomolecules, cells, cellular regulations and animal physiology. Develops knowledge of terms and concepts in ecology, evolution, disease biology, and genetics. Students will gain the ability to apply scientific processes and knowledge of the natural world to make evidence-based decisions.

Credit Hours


BIOL3320 : Pathophysiology

This course introduces students to human diseases and the mechanisms that govern them. The course focuses on the dynamic aspects of disease processes and disorders of the principal human organs and body systems. Students will examine homeostasis and the fundamentals of the nature of common diseases and disorders of each organ system, including body response to stress and the natural progression of disease and other relevant diseases of physical injury, skin and the musculoskeletal systems.

Credit Hours


BIOL4310 : Principles of Epidemiology

This course introduces students to the principle concepts of epidemiology and biostatistics as applied to public health problems and the investigation of infectious and noninfectious diseases. The course focuses on the principles and methods of epidemiologic investigation, appropriate summaries and displays of epidemiological data, and the use of classical statistical approaches to describe the health of populations. Emphasis is on the use of epidemiology in the understanding of etiologic factors, modes of transmission, and pathogenesis. Topics include application of these disciplines in the areas of health services, screening, genetics, and environment policy. The influences of epidemiology and biostatistics on legal and ethical issues and the epidemiological approach to health services evaluation are also discussed.

Credit Hours


BIOL4320 : Disease Management

This course focuses on the core knowledge and competencies necessary to design and provide care for patients with illness and disease. Students focus on providing individualized, evidence-based health care directed toward achieving quality outcomes.

Credit Hours