Students transferring from another Concorde Career Institute/College must meet the entrance requirements in place at this school at the time of transfer. These students may be eligible to receive credit for previous courses provided that the following requirements are met:
An official copy of the student’s transcript is on file with Concorde Career College;
- Courses within a major were completed within the previous 12 months, and a grade of “C” or better was earned;
- General Education (nonscience) communications, mathematics, social science or humanities courses were completed with a grade of “C” or better; and
- General Education science (BIOL, CHEM) courses were completed within the previous ten years with a grade of “C” or better.
Students transferring from another Concorde Career school may transfer up to 75 percent of the academic credits necessary to fulfill the requirements for graduation. Students requesting to transfer credit(s) must submit all required documents prior to starting school.
If the Academic Affairs department determines the credits are acceptable for transfer, credit will be given for those courses, and the student will be scheduled to take only those courses needed to fulfill the requirements for graduation.
For courses within a major taken more than 12 months prior, the student must take a proficiency examination for both academics and practicals. Academic credit will be granted if the student scores 75 percent or better and demonstrates competencies of practical skills. The student will not be charged for the examination(s). Students requesting to transfer credit(s) must submit all required documents and/or pass any proficiency examination prior to starting school.
Under no circumstances does Concorde Career College grant academic credit for life experience.